The Faculty of Law (FOL) received a delegation from the Faculty of Law, Pakuan University (UNPAK), Bogor, Indonesia recently at Melaka campus. The delegation of 17 guests, consisting of representatives from UNPAK International Office and academic staff, was led by Mr. Raden Muhammad Mihradi, SH., MH, Dean of the Faculty of Law, UNPAK and Ir. Hj. Yuary Farradia, M.Sc from UNPAK International Office.

The guests were welcomed with a briefing about FOL by its Dean, Dr Manique Cooray. The visit aimed at enabling both institutions to discuss possible collaborations on, among others, research projects, teaching and learning and pedagogy, and student and staff mobility. During the visit, there was a colloquium session by both institutions. All three research centres at FOL had fruitful interactions with the Indonesian delegates.