On 15 May 2024, 40 Diploma in Digital Business students from the Faculty of Business (FOB) attended an Industrial Talk titled “Bridging the Physical and Digital: IoT in Industry 4.0”. The speaker, Mr. Chang Quan Yan, delivered his inspirational insights on IoT applications to the students.  He is the founder of Mininja PLT, which provides one-stop smart home solutions.  

The speaker shared his knowledge and expertise on IoT and how he applies it to his new housing development projects or smart homes. As the Permata Dunia of MMU, he also enlightened the students by sharing about his past journey and lifestyle in MMU. He is the Permata Dunia of MMU’s diploma, degree, and master’s programme.  

One of the session’s highlights was students were given an opportunity to experience controlling the door, lighting, and fixtures in Mr. Chang’s showroom remotely via smart phones and tablets. This real-life example has helped students better understand the aspects they learned in the Introduction to Industry 4.0 course.  

This session was organised by Ms. Nun Shwu Huey and Ms. Sharmila Rani Moganadas for the course BDI4213 Introduction to Industry 4.0.