In a captivating exchange of intellectual ideas, Professor  Lim Chee Peng, a Professor of Complex Systems at the Institute of Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI), Deakin University (Australia) brought a wave of inspiration to the Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET) in December 2023. Engaging discussions unfolded among researchers and students, creating an atmosphere charged with innovation.

Students, the heartbeat of academic institutions, were not left untouched. Professor Lim interacted with them, sharing valuable insights and offering advice on research pursuits. This personal touch ignited sparks of curiosity and broadened perspectives, leaving a lasting impression on our future scholars.

The pinnacle of the visit was Professor Lim’s captivating research talk, “Research and Innovation in Robotic and Intelligent Systems,” unveiling the latest advancements in Robotic and Intelligent Systems. Accompanied by his colleague, Dr. Burhan Khan, who participated remotely from Australia, the lecture drew a diverse audience, sparking dynamic discussions and acting as a catalyst for academic growth within our community. As the visit concludes, the faculty extends gratitude to Professor Lim for injecting a dose of academic excellence and inspiration.