A total of 31 students of Diploma in Business Administration (DBA) with three lecturers visited Infineon, Melaka on 14 May 2018. The DBA Industrial Advisor, Mr. Victor Ngo Ee Chien, who is also the Segment Controlling Manager from Finance Department, which also gave a briefing on company background and general information about the products to the students.

The tour, which was led by the Head of Operations Excellent, Ms. Ooi Mei Ling, to three different places whereby the students had the opportunity to observe the production processes from the viewing gallery for window tour. The students also visited new Infinity cafeteria and office which operates by motion detectable energy savings. The tour ended at Multi-Purpose Building whereby the students were able to experience live customer service at IT Department (End user Support and Services Team) handling customer complaints. This field trip helped the students to be familiar with the real manufacturing processes and operational terminologies.