We would like to congratulate Mohammed Shafin Arshad, our student from the Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI) for being listed as one of the Top 10 Young Talents 2021 in the MonStar Awards on 20 November 2021. The MonStar Awards is created as a platform to discover and recognize influential, innovative, and inspiring young talents in Malaysia who have capabilities beyond academic studies and actively participate in extra-co curricular to be recognized by the nation.

A total of 900 young talents across 20 nations were nominated in this fourth edition of MonStar Awards. The invited juries for this prestigious awards were Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, Founder and Group CEO of AirAsia; Marc Woo, Managing Director of Google Malaysia; Kristina Mand-Lakhiani, co-founder of Mindvalley; Datuk Yasmin Mahmood, Chairman of Skymind Holding and Freda Liu, Lead producer and presenter of BFM 89.9.


*Credit Photo: MonStar Facebook