Faculty of Management (FOM) and Entrepreneur Development Centre (EDC) organised its entrepreneurial initiative known as Ingenious Mind Challenge Kickoff Boot Camp 2018 on 10 February 2018. The boot camp was participated by 12 teams from Multimedia University, Swinburne University of Technology, Taylor’s University, International Islamic University and Polytechnic Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah.

Focusing on Design Thinking (DT) and Business Model Canvas (BMC), the boot camp was conducted by lecturers, who are certified trainers from FOM, Mr. Mohd Fairuz Abd Rahim and Dr. Ong Jeen Wei. The camp was run by FOM students and it was supervised by Ms. Norzarina Md Yatim. Its main aim was to inspire young minds to make great ideas that were commercially viable and helped to serve the community. It also encouraged the participants to learn and exchange the ideas into commercialization through new branch of learning.

The Kickoff Boot Camp was an opening course for the participants and aimed to supply an in-depth introduction of DT and BMC. The participants were exposed to inculcate, develop and polish the entrepreneurial skills and to instill the entrepreneurial spirit across the multiple industries. Apart from that, the camp will succor the participants to prepare themselves for poster showcase and pitching on 19 April 2018. Ultimately, this camp emphasised an inclusive triadic relationship between students, academicians and industrial leaders to spur growth of innovations, entrepreneurship and academic development.

Thumbs up to FOM and EDC for starting 2018 with such an informative and inspiring initiative to produce graduate entrepreneurs!