On 28 May 2024, the Bursa Young Investor Club and the Banking & Finance Department of the Faculty of Business (FOB) hosted the Money Matters Financial Empowerment Day at the Melaka campus. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from over 100 students, all eager to enhance their financial literacy and empowerment. 

 The day commenced with an inspiring session led by Mr. Tan Aik Keong, the founder and CEO of AGMO Holdings Berhad. His presentation, titled “AGMO Story: From Zero to IPO,” captivated the audience as he recounted the journey of AGMO from its humble beginnings to its notable achievement of becoming one of the first MMU alumni-founded companies to be listed on Bursa Malaysia. Mr. Tan’s narrative was a testament to entrepreneurship, perseverance, and strategic decision-making, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees. His insights underscored the potential of visionary leadership and hard work. 

 Adding to the event’s enriching experience, AGMO hosted a booth for AGMO Academy, offering students a deeper understanding of the company’s operations, career prospects, and internship opportunities. This initiative sparked curiosity and encouraged exploration into the fintech world, providing practical insights into the industry. 

 The event’s impact was further enhanced by Mr. Kee Zhong Han Hendrix, the Share Trading Officer of Retail Banking at RHB Investment Bank. His session on opening trading accounts was particularly insightful, equipping the next generation of investors and traders with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the complexities of the financial markets. Mr. Kee’s practical advice and expert guidance empowered students to take confident steps toward financial independence. 

 Additionally, the event featured an engaging activity called the Cash Flow Game, organized by SGK Team Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Under the guidance of Mr. Teoh Jinn Jie and his dedicated team of 14 members, this interactive experience drew in more than 60 enthusiastic students. Inspired by Robert Kiyosaki’s teachings on financial literacy and investment, the game was not only entertaining but also imparted invaluable lessons on managing finances and making smart investment decisions. 

 To further extend the educational experience, booths showcasing products from Prudential and BSN Takaful were set up. These booths provided students with practical knowledge about insurance and investment options, reinforcing the day’s lessons and equipping them with the tools needed to make informed financial decisions. 

 Overall, Money Matters Financial Empowerment Day proved to be a significant event for the students, offering them valuable knowledge and practical skills. By bridging the gap between academic learning and real-world financial practices, the event successfully fostered a spirit of curiosity and empowered the students to take charge of their financial futures.