More than 35 students participated in a talk entitled “Building a Strong Foundation: Essential Skills for Success in Audit Careers” on 26 April 2024. Organised by Career Connect in collaboration with the Faculty of Management (FOM) and the Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia (IIAM), the session kicked off with a presentation by Ms. Shahira from IIAM, followed by a keynote address from Puan Ainon Mahat, the General Manager of Internal Audit at Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad.  

Puan Ainon shared her extensive knowledge and experience, shedding light on the crucial skills necessary for excelling in the field of auditing. Throuhout the session, the speaker elaborated on her job responsibilities and offered valuable insights into both internal and external auditing, highlighting their differences and similarities. She also delved into the domains and principles outlined in the Global Internal Audit Standard, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the audit landscape.  

The interactive nature of the session encouraged active participation from students, facilitating meaningful discussions and knowledge exchange. Moreover, it provided an excellent platform for students to connect with industry professionals, paving the way for future opportunities and career growth in the audit field. As MMU Career Connect and FOM continue to organise empowering events like these, students can look forward to further enhancing their skills, expanding their networks, and forging successful careers in auditing.