More than 50 academics from Melaka and Cyberjaya campuses participated in a webinar entitled, ‘Sumitomo Grant Sharing Session’ on 17 September 2021. Organised by Centre of e-Services, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing (CESEM) from the Faculty of Business (FOB), the session was conducted by Dr. Wye Chung Khain from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

The two-hour session helped the participants to gain knowledge on tips in applying for Sumitomo grants as the speaker niched down the focus areas for Sumitomo’s foundation and its basic requirements. Dr. Wye also shared his experiences on how to apply the Sumimoto Grants and the preferred focus research areas.

Dr. Wye is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Management, UKM. He is also the ‘Head of Research Cluster for World of Works and Future if Works’ at the Center of Value Creation and Human Well-being Studies (INSAN) at the same university. His research interests are in labour economics, human resources development, and economics of education. His recent works are published in SSCI journals like The Economic and Labour Relations Review, International Labour Review and Asian Economic Journal.

During the webinar session, several interests were being raised by the participants and the speaker shared his knowledge and experiences related to the raised matter. It was a great sharing session and an insightful talk for the academics.