A group of 52 participants from 14 varsities attended Malaysian Youth Bioinformatics Symposium (MYBS) 3.0 via the virtual platform in July 2021. Organised by the Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FIST) and IT Society, the event served as an avenue to explore the trending topic related to bioinformatics, to connect the youth with opportunities, as well as to bring this growing discipline to the public.

Prof. Dr. Lau Siong Hoe, Dean of FIST officiated the opening ceremony, and it was also attended by Dr. Ng Chon Han, Head Event Advisor; invited speakers, event advisors, organising committee members, and the participants. The symposium continued with two workshops conducted by Dr. Lim Kian Ming from MMU with the title of “Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis” and Dr. Gavin Wee Wei Yee from Monash University was invited to conduct the workshop, “Sequence Mapping and Variant Calling Analysis”.

On top of that, the participants also gained more insights on bioinformatics through two keynote addresses by Dr. Khang Tsung Fei from the University of Malaya (UM), who delivered a keynote entitled “Machine Learning for Biology” and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Choi Sy Bing from Perdana University with his address on “Leveraging Molecular Modeling to Understand COVID”. It is hoped that the participants gained a deeper understanding and acquired new knowledge on the related topic via this symposium.