On 12th June 2020, our Acting President, Prof. Dr. Ho Chin Kuan shared his insights in a Special Presidential Address virtual town hall session, which was broadcast to all MMU staff. The inaugural virtual congregation, organized by Human Capital Management (HCM), sought to convey the University’s direction amidst the challenging times brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the session, Prof Ho. expressed his gratitude to all MMU staff for supporting the university during this critical time. He also conveyed his appreciation at how the academic and administration staff, in concert with the Research & Innovation (R&I) and social response teams, had risen to the occasion. In addition, Prof. Ho also called upon the university’s staff to actively find measures of bringing the university to a greater height, while living up to the new normal. Just because classes have gone virtual, it does not mean that opportunities to stand out are no more. It simply means that these opportunities have taken new forms, or shifted somewhere else. Prof. Ho urged MMU staff to be bold and find their own way to help the university achieve a new level of excellence.